Naomi faces sadness and bitterness after the death of her husband and sons. Despite thinking that God is against her, Naomi heads back to Israel with her daughter-in-law Ruth. As they go, the question that hangs over everything is… “will show kindness to Naomi again?” Join Dave as he explores Ruth chapter 1.
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G'day, and welcome to Stories of a Faithful God for Kids.
Speaker:I'm Dave, your host and storyteller.
Speaker:is the first episode back for:Speaker:There are so many great Bible stories to tell this year.
Speaker:So many great things about God to discuss.
Speaker:This is the start of the second year of the podcast.
Speaker:If you tuned in last year, great to have you back.
Speaker:If you're joining us for the first time, great to have you with us.
Speaker:I hope you really enjoy hearing about our great and faithful God,
Speaker:and have lots of fun as we do that.
Speaker:If you want more, there's a whole bunch of episodes from last year.
Speaker:Before we start, I've gotta mention the Stories of a Faithful God Club.
Speaker:It kicked off with a couple of series at the end of last year.
Speaker:This year already, there are two brand new video episodes
Speaker:in a new series called Alone.
Speaker:We're looking at how God's done everything we need to save us.
Speaker:By His grace alone, through Jesus alone, for His glory alone.
Speaker:We have so much fun with it.
Speaker:There are people and puppets getting up to crazy adventures in the Australian bush.
Speaker:It has to be seen to be believed.
Speaker:Adults, if you're listening in, there's bonus episodes for you as well.
Speaker:Some interviews and discussions, some sermons, some Bible history.
Speaker:There's more and more all the time for all ages.
Speaker:There is a small fee.
Speaker:But it's about a cup of coffee a month.
Speaker:That's right.
Speaker:Not a week, a month.
Speaker:And you can try it out for free for seven days to see if it's your sort of thing.
Speaker:What am I talking about?
Speaker:Of course it's your sort of thing.
Speaker:Just click on the club link in the show notes.
Speaker:What are you waiting for?
Speaker:Oh, I know what you're waiting for.
Speaker:You're, um, you're waiting for me to get on with the episode.
Speaker:Um, yeah, okay, uh, well, uh, let's get on with it then.
Speaker:do you know what it means when someone is bitter?
Speaker:When a person is bitter, they're a mixture of sad and angry and grumpy.
Speaker:Sad because something bad's happened to them.
Speaker:and angry because they think that they've been treated badly or unfairly.
Speaker:They're grumpy and they want someone to blame.
Speaker:Sometimes your sports team might lose a game, and people get really
Speaker:bitter and want to blame the referee.
Speaker:Sometimes you might get in trouble at school, and you get bitter because
Speaker:you think it was someone else's fault.
Speaker:Or maybe you think it was the teacher's fault.
Speaker:In today's story, we meet a lady who's had lots of bad and sad things happen.
Speaker:And she becomes really bitter.
Speaker:She's bitter towards God.
Speaker:She thinks God's given up on doing anything good for her.
Speaker:I wonder if that's true.
Speaker:Well, it's time to find out.
Speaker:Get ready for our next episode of Stories of a Faithful God for Kids.
Speaker:It's the time of the judges.
Speaker:About:Speaker:It's a crazy time for Israel.
Speaker:They're in the land that God promised to give them, it's a really good
Speaker:land, and they don't have a king.
Speaker:Well, they do.
Speaker:God's their king, but they keep ignoring him.
Speaker:So God punishes them.
Speaker:Then they come back to God, then he sends a judge to save them, and
Speaker:everything goes well for a while.
Speaker:But then the judge dies, and it happens all over again.
Speaker:The people just keep turning away from God.
Speaker:Well, when this story starts that we're looking at today,
Speaker:it's during a time of punishment.
Speaker:God's made it so that the food doesn't grow, and there isn't enough to eat.
Speaker:You see, the Israelites kept trusting other gods that are actually fake.
Speaker:And God's like, okay, let them give you food.
Speaker:But they can't.
Speaker:Because only the real God can give food.
Speaker:God's showing them that they need to come back to him, and then he'll
Speaker:give them huge amounts of food.
Speaker:He loves to give good stuff.
Speaker:So if that's the message that God's sending, what's the right
Speaker:thing for the Israelites to do?
Speaker:They need to turn back to God, right?
Speaker:Ask him to forgive them, start trusting him.
Speaker:Well, there's a man named Elimelech who lives in the town of Bethlehem.
Speaker:That's right, THE Bethlehem, the famous one from Christmas.
Speaker:But in this story, it's long before all that.
Speaker:Bethlehem isn't particularly famous.
Speaker:It's just another small town in Israel.
Speaker:Now, Elimelech, when there isn't enough food around, he doesn't say,
Speaker:Hey, we really need to turn back to God and he'll start blessing us again.
Speaker:Instead, he grabs his family and he runs away to another country called Moab.
Speaker:A country where they worship different, fake gods.
Speaker:And you gotta think, Elimelech, what are you doing, man?
Speaker:Far out!
Speaker:In Elimelech's family, he has two sons, Marlon and Kilion.
Speaker:Don't get too attached to them, they're not gonna be around for very long.
Speaker:And then there's his wife, Naomi.
Speaker:Naomi, you definitely have to remember.
Speaker:She's going to be really significant.
Speaker:In fact, even though this book of the Bible that we're looking at
Speaker:is called Ruth, it's actually more about what God does for Naomi.
Speaker:Anyway, Elimelech drags his family off to Moab, thinking
Speaker:that he's making life better.
Speaker:Thinking that he's escaping death.
Speaker:He's wrong.
Speaker:Elimelech dies.
Speaker:As if running away from God was ever going to work out for him.
Speaker:Bad idea.
Speaker:So now, there's just Naomi and her two sons.
Speaker:They must be pretty sad.
Speaker:They've come to Moab to make life better.
Speaker:And now their husband and dad is dead.
Speaker:Doesn't seem better.
Speaker:Well, the two sons are old enough to get married.
Speaker:And that's exactly what they do.
Speaker:They don't go back to Israel to find women who know and love
Speaker:and trust the one true God.
Speaker:They marry women from Moab, women who've grown up worshipping false gods.
Speaker:The God of Israel said, never do that.
Speaker:You've got to think, Marlon, Kylian, fellas, what are you doing?
Speaker:Sadly, they're just like their dad, they're ignoring God, and sadly, just
Speaker:like their dad, they die as well.
Speaker:Think about Naomi now.
Speaker:She left Israel with her family, and now her family's all gone.
Speaker:Her husband and her sons are dead.
Speaker:She does have two daughters in law with her though, the
Speaker:women who married her sons.
Speaker:One of them is named Orpah, the other is named Ruth.
Speaker:That's right, just like the name of the Bible book.
Speaker:That's a little hint that she's going to be pretty important in this story.
Speaker:In verse 6 of chapter 1, Naomi hears some news.
Speaker:Verse 6 says this, While Naomi was in Moab, she heard that the
Speaker:Lord had taken care of his people.
Speaker:He'd given food to them in Judah.
Speaker:God's forgiven his people.
Speaker:He's showing his love to his people.
Speaker:It's got to make you wonder, what on earth is Naomi doing in Moab,
Speaker:when she could be back in Israel, enjoying the kindness and love of God.
Speaker:We don't know what she's thinking about God yet, but we do know she's
Speaker:thinking it's time to head back home.
Speaker:She starts heading back, and her two daughters in law are with her.
Speaker:Somewhere along the way Naomi starts thinking, hmm, something's not right here.
Speaker:She turns to Orpah and Ruth and she tells them this.
Speaker:In verse 8 she says,
Speaker:Go back home.
Speaker:Each of you go to your own mother's house.
Speaker:You've been very kind to me and to my sons who are now dead.
Speaker:I hope the Lord will also be kind to you in the same way.
Speaker:I hope the Lord will give you another home and a new husband.
Speaker:It sounds really lovely.
Speaker:She knows they've been kind to her.
Speaker:She wants God to be kind to them.
Speaker:She wants them to be able to find new husbands.
Speaker:So, she's sending them back to Moab.
Speaker:It sounds lovely, but it's a little strange.
Speaker:She wants God to be kind to them, but Isn't the place where God's showing
Speaker:his great kindness back in Israel?
Speaker:Not in Moab.
Speaker:Well, Orpah and Ruth burst into tears.
Speaker:They really love Naomi, and they've been through a lot together, right?
Speaker:I mean, they've all had to look after each other when their husbands have died.
Speaker:And so the ladies say to Naomi, Uh uh, no way, we are coming with you.
Speaker:But Naomi keeps trying to convince them to go.
Speaker:She tells them that if they come with her, there's no way they can get new husbands.
Speaker:It's not like Naomi, an older lady, is gonna get married again and
Speaker:have more sons for them to marry.
Speaker:And even if she did, are they gonna wait around while the suns grow up?
Speaker:They're not gonna marry them when the boys are babies or toddlers or even your age.
Speaker:They'd be waiting years,
Speaker:Naomi's telling them that there's no way good things are gonna
Speaker:happen if they come with her.
Speaker:And she's really clear to them about the reason God, she thinks
Speaker:God is fighting against her.
Speaker:She says to them in verse 13.
Speaker:Don't do this thing.
Speaker:My life is much too sad for you to share.
Speaker:This is because the Lord is against me.
Speaker:Hmm, she thinks God is against her, and yet she's going back to the land where
Speaker:God's showing his great kindness and love.
Speaker:Well, Orpah finally gives in, still crying.
Speaker:She kisses Naomi goodbye and heads off back to her family in Moab.
Speaker:And that's the last we ever hear from Orpah.
Speaker:Ruth though is still holding on to Naomi and saying I am sticking with you.
Speaker:So Naomi tries again.
Speaker:She actually says something really yuck.
Speaker:It sounds kind, but it's actually quite mean.
Speaker:She says to Ruth in verse 15, Look, your sister in law is going back
Speaker:to her own people and her own gods.
Speaker:Go back with her.
Speaker:Go back to your own gods?
Speaker:Her own gods are fake.
Speaker:The Israelites are the only ones who know the one true God.
Speaker:You gotta be thinking, Naomi, what are you doing?
Speaker:She should be saying, hey, your God's a fake, come back to my land and
Speaker:meet my God, he's really awesome.
Speaker:But she's still thinking that God doesn't want to do anything good for her.
Speaker:She's thinking, anyone who hangs around near me is only going to
Speaker:have bad stuff, all because of God.
Speaker:Ruth, who's grown up in Moab learning about fake gods,
Speaker:refuses to go back to them.
Speaker:She's like, I am sticking with you, Naomi, and that means I'm coming to your
Speaker:land, and I'm going to worship your god.
Speaker:In verse 16, she says this, she says,
Speaker:Don't ask me to leave you.
Speaker:Don't beg me not to follow you.
Speaker:Every place you go, I will go.
Speaker:Every place you live, I will live.
Speaker:Your people will be my people.
Speaker:Your God will be my God.
Speaker:And where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried.
Speaker:I ask the Lord to punish me terribly if I do not keep this promise.
Speaker:Only death will separate us.
Speaker:Given what Naomi's told her about God, it's pretty amazing that she's
Speaker:still ready to have him as her God.
Speaker:Anyway, finally Naomi gives in.
Speaker:They head back to Bethlehem.
Speaker:When they get there, people are amazed.
Speaker:No one's seen Naomi for years.
Speaker:They out there aren't any phones or computers.
Speaker:She could have been dead for all they knew.
Speaker:Everyone's really excited and the women are all saying, is this Naomi?
Speaker:Now, the name Naomi has a really lovely meaning.
Speaker:It means pleasant or delight, like really nice or really happy.
Speaker:It's a really lovely name.
Speaker:But Naomi doesn't want a name with a really lovely meaning like that.
Speaker:She asks people to call her a different name, Mara.
Speaker:And do you know what Mara means?
Speaker:It means bitter.
Speaker:That mixture of sadness and anger and grumpiness, where you
Speaker:really want to blame someone.
Speaker:Naomi is really bitter about all the sad things that have happened to her.
Speaker:And as we've already seen, the person she blames is God.
Speaker:This is what she says in verse 20.
Speaker:She says, Don't call me Naomi.
Speaker:Call me Mara.
Speaker:Because God all powerful has made my life very sad.
Speaker:When I left, I had all I wanted.
Speaker:But now, the Lord has brought me home with nothing.
Speaker:So why should you call me Naomi when the Lord has spoken against me?
Speaker:God all powerful has given me much trouble.
Speaker:She is angry.
Speaker:She's really sad.
Speaker:She's really bitter.
Speaker:She thinks God's taken away everything from her, and that he
Speaker:won't do anything good for her again.
Speaker:She thinks there's no hope.
Speaker:She thinks God won't be kind to her.
Speaker:And yet, has God really done nothing for her?
Speaker:What about giving her Ruth?
Speaker:Naomi's husband took her away from the land of God and his people?
Speaker:Ruth's kindly said, I'll follow you all the way back to your God
Speaker:and your people and your land.
Speaker:Naomi thinks she's all alone, but Ruth said, I'm going to stay with
Speaker:you until death, and I'll even be buried in the same place as you.
Speaker:Ruth seems like a pretty kind gift from God.
Speaker:Not only that.
Speaker:Naomi and Ruth have arrived back in Israel at a really special time.
Speaker:A time when God's kindness can be seen waving in the fields.
Speaker:God's made all the food grow, and all the barley is ready to be picked.
Speaker:It's so different from when she left when there was no food.
Speaker:So I guess the question is, will God be kind to Naomi?
Speaker:Or will he just be kind to everyone else?
Speaker:Is it impossible for God to do good things for Ruth and Naomi, like
Speaker:Naomi told Ruth back on the road?
Speaker:Or will God still show his love to Naomi?
Speaker:Well, that's a story for next time.
Speaker:Hey, did you enjoy the show?
Speaker:If you did, can you do me a favor?
Speaker:In your listening or watching app, can you hit the five star rating
Speaker:button that tells everyone else that they should listen as well.
Speaker:In fact, the more people who hit that button, the easier it
Speaker:is for others to find the show.
Speaker:So please help me out and help others out by taking a moment to hit that button.
Speaker:Also, don't forget to sign up to the club by following the link in the show notes.
Speaker:Keep trusting Jesus.
Speaker:Bye for now.