Episodes: Stories of a Faithful God

3. Power and Compassion Part 1: Jonah and the Faithful God

Jonah is often considered a fool who is just there to be laughed at. God uses him, though, to show his astounding power and compassion. Also, through Jonah we see a window into our own hearts that is not always pleasant. In the first of this two part series God shows his awesome power over…

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2. A Blazing Sign: Elijah, Ahab and the Faithful God Part 2

Elijah has been gone for almost three years. Israel has not had a drop of rain in all that time. There’s famine, the prophets of God are being murdered and people are still stumbling between worshipping Baal and the Lord. Now its time for Elijah to return and for God to do amazing things. Join…

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1. A Kind Drought: Elijah, Ahab and the Faithful God Part 1

Everything seems to have gone wrong. The world is in a mess, God’s people are divided and unfaithful, and his prophets are being murdered. A new king is on the scene and “he did more to provoke the LORD to anger than all who were before him”. How will the faithful God respond? Will people…

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Trailer: Stories of a Faithful God

Preacher, pastor and primary teacher Dave Whittingham takes you on a journey of discovery or rediscovery through the stories of the Bible. In these deep dive episodes you will experience the tension, frustration, joy and wonder as the faithful God fulfills his good plans, even as he deals with unfaithful people. Whether you are a…

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